Saturday, December 23, 2006


Pt Escondido

I found my way out to the Pacific coast past some sites that seem to
just cater for the tour buses. (Just happy I am not on one!) I arrived
in Pt Escondido, planning a stop of a day or two, undecided where to
camp here. Checking my guide books, I take a walk down the beach
only to find a German couple I met in Palenque and San Cristobal
I too found a place to camp.

Being on the beach and where the fisherman come in with their boats was good,
and to get the fish from the boat in the morning was a real treat,

but the nice part is the women would clean or fillet fish for you. Part of the deal.
I stayed almost a week. In some parts in Mexico they do not look after their beaches. Here,
the community has taken an active role to keep their beach clean. Even the fishermen
do their part. Fish remains, etc are collected and reused. The waste water is disposed of well, and
the vendors on the beach keep the bottles and cups off the beach as well.
What a nice change.

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