Thursday, August 17, 2006


Posadas Mission

Heading north, I stopped at one of the best restored/preserved missions
in Argentina. This was a functioning community from the 1600s until the
early 1700s, when the expulsion order was given to the Jesuit Missions.

I was impressed with the size of the town and the amount of stone work,
but more by the idea that Jusuits would come from Spain to this, to convert
the local nomadic indigenous people.

There were some 16 of these Jesuit Missions here in Argentina
but they also spread as far as Bolivia.

The stonework is beautiful but it was made from poor quality
sandstone that is easy to work but does not last as long as other kinds of stone.

The model of the Mission really helps bring to life the ruins.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Yacyreta Dam

The Yacyreta hydroelectric project is said to generate enough power to satisfy 28% of Argentina's electrical needs. This room is 1km long, and the rumble from the generators and water turbines is impressive. I am told that there is another generator room some KM away just as big,

The row of floodgates on this side is 1km long, and there are more on the other side just in case to control the 1800 sq km reservoir. [Kind of like Lake Powell, thinks this Editor.]

It even has its own lock for boats. This one can handle Panama-class ships
(that is, a boat that meets certain specs and qualifies it to navigate the Panama canal.) Does this give you the idea that it is big?

Even the fish here are taken care of. This is the outlet for fish heading downstream. There is also an elevator to get them up to dam height, 80 meters
above the river here. [This Editor wonders if they push the call button with their fins, or their noses, or what...]

Monday, August 14, 2006


Mercedes Gaucho Antonio Gil

Gaucho Antonio Gil
Today I was a the Road Side monument to Gauechue Gil
what a site , I am quite surprised by how many people visit this
place , for a man who was a modern day Robin Hood who created
a legend and too this day most truck driver and others passing stop
to pay homage too .
After spending some time on the road in Argentina and seeing these
road side shrines it got me to wonder what it was all about and after
a few questions all is reviled ,a man who ? Amy deserter come outlaw
who stole from the rich land owner and shared his spoils with the poor
who inturn gave him shelter though the law did catch him and he was
hung by the feet and be headed and obtained sainthood
Before his death Gil told his executioner that his son was very ill
and that if he was buried that his son would recover well the
soldier who killed Gil returned to find that his son was ill and then
promptly returned and buried Gil and his son quickly recovered and
the legend was born and too this day people from allover Argentina
come to seek favor from Gil

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