Thursday, May 04, 2006


Puerto Inca

I arrived here in the early afternoon after driving half a day across desert that goes into the sea, or the sea that is trying to claim the desert, I am just not quite sure which one applies. The Incas used to fish at this place and then via runners sent fresh fish up to Cusco. This is no easy thing as Cusco is several hundred Ks away and 3000 meters higher than the sea. Even today it would take me a
day or two to get there, and that is on paved roads and not carting a basket of fish!

Today it is a sea side resort that offers hotel rooms and camping but best of all COLD BEER. It seams hard to find cold beer in Peru, or is it they cannot afford to run the fridge? I shared my end of the beach with a group of English guys on an adventure travel tour (to the out of the way places?) To thier surprise, a U.S. plated car (mine) pulled up...

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